Thursday, April 14, 2011

Paul Klee Tribute Animation

This was a short animation done on Photoshop, using it's animation feature again. This time we had to design an animation which would be revolving around the Paul Klee's most notable quote - 'A line is a dot which went for a walk'.

The idea of the animation was to create it with the sense of pure straight-forwardness. I did exactly what the quotes states to say, and that is - 'A line is a dot that went for a walk'. By doing this people will understand the message in an entertaining way, and could possibly lead to a replay if they liked it.

 I wanted Paul Klee's quote to be brought to life, to be shown it's existence to the people who watched it. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Image masking video in Motion (Part 2)

Now we have to open up our "Motion" software.

Create a new file with PAL DV settings.

Once you have that, drag in your desired video. Desirably with a white background.
Next import your secondary video file (this is the one that will be moving inside your text).
Then we also need the image which we created in PhotoShop, imported it with all the layers.

Now that we have all that, we go into our Library > Filters > Keying > Luma Key and drag that Key onto the video. Now whatever is in front of the white background will be visible in front of the secondary file.

Now we drag the time line of our image and place it where ever we want it to appear. Once you have selected the position of where you image appears, we need to select the "Text Layer" of the image.

With that selected we go into Add Behaviour > Basic Motion > Throw. Now with the "Throw" behaviour selected we select the "HUD" function.

In this function we can choose the direction we want the text to move across in the video.

Last Step, we add a layer mask on the bottle video. This will make it so that it appears only inside the texts.

And there it is, Save/Export your video :D

Image masking video in Motion (Part 1)

In today's lesson we were taught how to create moving text in a video. We did this by using the "Motion" software.

First off, we had to create an image with a text that we wanted to use. This was done using PhotoShop.

Here is the image which I had created for the video.

To create this, first I went into the gradient tool editor and selected the colours I wanted to use.
Once I had done that, I went on to Filter > Distort >Wave
Next, I went back into Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates
Then, I jumped onto the internet to get an image of an old paper. Opened it on PhotoShop and drag it onto my main image.
Then, I changed the blend mode of the Old Paper to Multiply to create the desired visual.
Next step was the rainbow. To get the rainbow, I created a new blank layer. In that layer, I created an empty rectangle which I filled with my desired colour.
To duplicate the rectangles, just hold down shift and drag it out and you should have a new duplicate.
The process is simple just create as many rectangles as you want.
Now we need the text, create a text for your image. Move around for your desired outlook.

Now that you're done, just save it as a Psd. file.
Onto the next step with "Motion"