Sunday, April 3, 2011

Image masking video in Motion (Part 1)

In today's lesson we were taught how to create moving text in a video. We did this by using the "Motion" software.

First off, we had to create an image with a text that we wanted to use. This was done using PhotoShop.

Here is the image which I had created for the video.

To create this, first I went into the gradient tool editor and selected the colours I wanted to use.
Once I had done that, I went on to Filter > Distort >Wave
Next, I went back into Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates
Then, I jumped onto the internet to get an image of an old paper. Opened it on PhotoShop and drag it onto my main image.
Then, I changed the blend mode of the Old Paper to Multiply to create the desired visual.
Next step was the rainbow. To get the rainbow, I created a new blank layer. In that layer, I created an empty rectangle which I filled with my desired colour.
To duplicate the rectangles, just hold down shift and drag it out and you should have a new duplicate.
The process is simple just create as many rectangles as you want.
Now we need the text, create a text for your image. Move around for your desired outlook.

Now that you're done, just save it as a Psd. file.
Onto the next step with "Motion"

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