Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is 'this' really junk?

What is junk? Everything around us can be 'junk'. The difference is that junk is classified distinctively by each individual. Some may see junk in things that others cherish and treasure. Such as a wealthy man may see his 82 inch LCD t.v. as being outdated and classifying it as junk, whereas a poor man would cherish it if it were given to him. Hence the saying 'One man's thrash is another man's treasure'.

I believe that it is our experiences, lifestyle and the situation that we live in that really makes our judgment as to what we classify as junk. People are constantly changing, as we live our lives we slowly learn more about ourselves and the world that we live in. Our perception as to what we want and need for survival will shift in a different direction.

 At this point in my life, one of the things that I classify as 'junk' are the toys that I loved and treasured as a child. These were the things that I would look forward to every morning when I got out of bed. They were the very thing that I was living for, as a child. Although, these toys having no current value to me now, they however do hold strong sentimental values to me. Each toy has a different memory stored inside of them. But it is to say that they would have no purpose for me at this point in my life.

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