Thursday, May 5, 2011

Social Conscience Assignment

For my topic on Social Conscience, I decided to do "Poverty". The poverty in my posters revolves strongly around child poverty.

The poster above is targeted towards people who are financially secured and are able to provide donation towards poverty affecting children. By using symbolism, I added a door in a middle of a dump, where a dirty baby is looking at it. In a way, they are given the opportunity to have a better life. Although, the door is locked and the key to their freedom from poverty is in our hands.

The second version for my poster is this time aimed towards the government and school. The image is of a young child sitting on a stack of books. This is a symbolism for the child having an education. Then there is the faded world of a very lovely looking park into a rubbish dump. This symbolises that anything in the perimeter of the books (EDUCATION) will be beautiful. Education is what will stop many young children to grow up to be jobless and homeless. Asking the government to provide free education to young children.

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